Biyernes, Pebrero 10, 2017

                           Introduction to Computers
1.      What two things did George Boole invent?
Ø  Logic and Boolean Algebra
2.      What do punch cards do?
Ø  Store data as small holes on a piece of paper
3.      What did Steve Jobs introduce in the computer world?
Ø  Ipad
4.      Who is the high-tech mogul who appeared on a 1995 cover of Time magazine headlined as “Master of the Universe”?
Ø  Bill Gates
5.      What movie did Apple use to hype its new Quick Time 4 format, sparking a net-clogging 25 million downloads of the trailer?
Ø  Star Wars Episode I: the Phanton Menace
6.      What was the first fast-food restaurants to offer patrons free 20 minutes of internet time?
Ø  Burger king
7.      What do you call the board the forms the foundation of your computer?
Ø  Motherboard
8.      How is RAM speed measured?
Ø  Hertz
9.      The word processor is an example of what types of software?
Ø  Application software
10.  Which of the following hardware devices acts as the intermediary between a computer and the phone system?
Ø  Modem
11.  Which is the standard input device that accepts letters, numbers and commands from the user?
Ø  Keyboard
12.  Which of the following refers to the transmission of messages over communications networks?
Ø  Email
13.  Fourth generation computing devices, are based on what?
14.  Which of the following enables the computer to communicate with other computers linked together by cable through  the interface?
Ø  Network card
15.  This is the biggest in size, the most expensive in price than any other computer. Different industries also use this huge computer for designing their products. Which classification of computer is referred to?
Ø  Super computers
16.  Which of the following is equivalent to one character?
Ø  Byte
17.  What software helps run the computer hardware and computer system?
Ø  Operating system
18.  What do you call someone who accesses a computer or computer network unlawfully?
Ø  Hacker
19.  What is the latest portable storage device which can have as much as 8 gigabytes memory?
Ø  Thumb drive
20.  Which program repeatedly copies itself and is very similar to a computer virus?
Ø  Computer worm
21.  Which electronic machine can take instructions,and perform computations based on those instructions?
Ø  Computer
22.  What do you call the set of moral principles that regulate the use of computers?
Ø  Ethics
23.  Which printer uses metal pins to strike an inked ribbon to make dots on a piece of paper?
Ø  Dot matrix printer
24.  Which of the following instances would NOT spread a computer virus?
Ø  When someone sneezes in front of the computer
25.  What is the meaning of URL?
Ø  Uniform Resource Locator

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