1. In a study
conducted , the pupils were asked which nationality
they would prefer if even a choice. The majority of the pupils wanted to be an American. In this case,in which obligation relative to the state are schools seemed to be
Ø Promote national pride
2. Which
subject in the elementary and likewise in the secondary school are similar to the goal
of Rome to train the
students for citizenship?
3. Which of the
following school practices is NOT based of Social
Ø Promoting culture and arts in schools
4. According to Reconstructionism, the goal of education is to bring about a new social order. Which practice best
manifests this view?
Ø The class undertakes well-planned projects in
the community
5. Which of the
following is the focus of the Japanese education
in the Philippines?
Ø Vocational and health education
1. Teacher D, a
Values Education teacher
ethics in almost all her lessons. Which of the following
emphasizes the same?
Ø Moral Education
Which reform in the Philippine
Educational System advocates
the use of English and Filipino as media of
instruction in specific learning areas?
Ø Bilingual Education
Activities planned by school
club/organizations show school-community connection geared towards society’s needs. What
philosophy is related to this?
Ø Social reconstruction
4. What
philosophy is related to the practice of school acting as a laboratory for
teaching reforms and experimentation?
Ø Progressivism
5. Which of the
following situation presents a value conflict?
Ø The teacher has students whose parents want
their children to obtain higher grades than what they are capable of getting.
6. Which
situation shows that a sense of nationhood
is exemplified?
Ø The class conducted a debated using Filipino
as medium
7. A teacher
who believes in the progressivist theory of
education would embrace certain
reforms on methodology. Which reform would be consistent
with this theory?
Ø Active participation of the learners
Thank you so much ma'am for sharing with us More power and God Bless :)